SAT 24 aug / 1 - 4 PM
We welcomed over 600 of you onto the forecourt and into Art Centre Penryn to learn about our plans and projects, meet local community organisations, buy plants and take part in a drawing activity.
We were joined by local growers and organisations who work with people, plants and the outdoors. A big thank you for all of our plant donators (and buyers!), volunteers, Sensory Trust and Loveland for bringing nature, life and creativity to the day!
market stalls
art centre penryn plant stall
We will be selling an abundance of plants and succulents to raise money towards Art Centre Penryn and future events. If you have any plants to donate to our stall, get in touch here.
Plants for sale will include:
A wide range of succulents
Bay trees
The Loveland community field project, run by Falmouth Food Co-op, offers an open and welcoming space to encourage local people to get more involved in the growing of our food through working, learning and gathering together with a collective spirit that welcomes all. They will be bringing fresh produce, including veg, from their 8-acre field in Penryn.
sensory trust
Sensory Trust is a leading authority on inclusive and sensory design. They create meaningful and lasting connections between people of all ages and abilities and the natural world. Learn all about their work, walks and resources across Cornwall.